UK Experience Suggests That Regulation Crimps Black Market Online Poker Sites
The experience of the United Kingdom with online gambling regulation suggests that black and gray market sites struggle against regulated counterparts.

Stakeholder Divisions To Be On Full Display At Upcoming California Online Poker Hearing
Full agenda for the June 24 hearing in front of the Assembly Governmental Organization Committee inside, an agenda that promises plenty of clash between competing visions for California...

PokerStars Tells, But Also Shows, In California
Highlights from last week's online poker demonstration put on by PokerStars in Sacramento. The event was designed to educate both lawmakers and the press about how iPoker software...

PokerStars Close To Approval In New Jersey Says Resorts Owner Morris Bailey
PokerStars is reported to be close to being approved to operate an online poker room in New Jersey, this according to Morris Bailey, the owner of PokerStars' land-based...

Pennsylvania Releases Casino Gaming Study: iGaming $184m in First Year
Pennsylvania has released The Current Condition and Future Viability of Casino Gaming in Pennsylvania, the full report can be found here. The report was commissioned on December 13,...

Online Gambling Does Not Hurt Brick and Mortar Casino Business
The first day of igna made it clear that gaming operators are not concerned about online gaming affect brick and mortar revenue.

Betable Eligible for Issuance of New Jersey Transactional Waiver
Betable is now eligible for a transactional waiver after applying for the 92a(1) Internet licensure from the Division of Gaming Enforcement in New Jersey. They will be authorized to...

PokerStars and Wynn at it Again?
The PokerStars deal to purchase the Atlantic Club casino looks less likely or near impossible at this point. This would have been PokerStars’ trojan horse to gain traction...

Social Casino Games
How big are social casino games? We take a look with our infographic: All In. Social casino games have become highly profitable with companies selling virtual chips (with...

Full Tilt Poker players to get Full Refund within 90 days
Diamond Flush Poker has written a detailed post on the deal between Poker Stars and Full Tilt Poker with the cooperation of the Department of Justice. Full...